Bothell Premises Liability Lawyer

A property owner is generally expected to keep their property safe for you to visit. The same is true for others that visit the land so long as they are not trespassing. State law requires that landowners protect their visitors depending on their legal visitor status. The level of care they owe will differ depending on your legal status when you visited the premises.

If you suffered injuries at the hands of a negligent property owner, you may be owed substantial compensation. Let a skilled Bothell premises liability lawyer help you seek the compensation you deserve. Our dedicated personal injury attorneys have the knowledge needed to ensure your claim is filed properly.

Liability for Property Owners in Bothell

A premises owner may be legally responsible for their negligent actions that caused a person’s injury or death. They could even be responsible if a death occurs on their property. Liability is not automatic simply because a person was harmed while visiting the area. The injured person must show—with appropriate evidence—that the owner’s negligence contributed to and caused the harm.

The owner must have permitted or created the harm in some way to be responsible. Lack of maintenance that leads to a dangerous condition is a common cause of liability. Another common cause of liability is when an owner fails to inspect to discover hidden dangers that may harm their visitors.

Recreational Property

Certain properties are protected by Revised Code of Washington Section 4.24.210. This law protects owners of certain kinds of premises that are used for recreational purposes. This helps protect owners from dangers posed by natural features of the land and similar protections.

This statute is limited to certain property accident situations and a qualified Bothell attorney can help understand when it applies. Always ask a trusted legal professional if a case qualifies for potential compensation—never assume you are not entitled to compensation for your injuries. Consult with a qualified Bothell attorney as soon as possible.

Determining the Legal Status of Visitors

Understanding the legal status of the visitor at the time they were injured is key to a premises liability case, as a Bothell attorney could further explain. This will determine most if not all of the injured person’s rights to compensation following an accident.


An invitee is an individual who is invited onto the property. This invitation may be explicit or could simply be implied by the circumstances. The most common invitees are those visiting a business or public building.

Owners owe a higher level of care to invitees than other types of visitors because of the mutually beneficial purpose of their visit. Owners are required to conduct reasonable inspections, warn of known dangers, and appropriately remedy issues on the property.


Licensees are permitted to be on the premises, but are there for their own purposes. Their visit does not specifically benefit the owner of the land. This status most commonly applies to social guests.

Licensees are entitled to warnings of known dangers and remedies to them on the premises. An experienced Bothell lawyer can explain other obligations and responsibilities owed to a licensee during a confidential consultation.


Trespassers are unlawfully on the land without permission. Talk to a Bothell premises liability attorney about landowner duties owed to a trespasser.

Consult a Premises Liability Attorney in Bothell

Premises liability laws are complex and hard to handle on your own. With experienced legal counsel, you are able to go into this fully educated and ready to seek compensation in your case. Let a dedicated Bothell premises liability lawyer seek compensation for you. Contact our office today to learn more about your legal options.