People should be able to traverse a property with the assumption that it will be safe. When an owner fails to reasonably prevent or fix any hazards, a person could get seriously hurt. If you suffered a serious injury while on another’s property, you could be entitled to significant compensation through a premises liability lawsuit with a seasoned personal injury attorney.
You should not have to worry about a legal battle while you are trying to recover, so leave it to an Anchorage premises liability lawyer to investigate, negotiate, and speak with the other parties in the case.
What is a Premises Liability Lawsuit?
When a visitor is hurt while on another person’s property, civil liability may attach to the property owner or manager for their failure to reasonably assure the safety of guests to the property. Negligence occurs when the lack of care leads to a major injury.
A property owner can be negligent in multiple ways. One of the most common is the failure to warn people of known hazards or risks while on the property. This could include a dangerous area that is off-limits to the public, holes in the floor, wet areas, or other hazards that may not be easy to see. Failure to remedy these defects may also be the cause for civil liability for the defendant.
Depending on the nature of the property owner, they might also be obligated to conduct reasonable inspections of the property to ensure it is safe. This could apply to inspections of equipment, doorways, staircases, and others. Areas that commonly cause injuries may require routine inspection to ensure their safety. An Anchorage premises liability attorney could thoroughly investigate whether inspections occurred and if the property owner followed the recommendations.
Causes of Premises Liability Cases
Almost anything on a property that could cause harm should be fixed as soon as possible. That includes putting up proper guards against children who might be drawn to something on the property. The most common causes of premises liability claims include:
- Swimming pool accidents
- Slip and falls
- Defective property conditions
- Dangerous substances or gases
- Lack of proper safety equipment or railing
- Collapses of roofs, balconies, or other structures
- Failure to warn of risks of property
- Dog bites and animal attacks
- Elevator accidents
These types of property-based hazards have the potential to catastrophically injure someone if they are not remedied, leading to significant life changes and financial hardship. A premises liability lawyer that understands how to investigate dangerous property conditions in Anchorage could work to argue for the maximum amount of damages available.
Statute of Limitations in Alaska
Alaska Statutes § 09.10.070 sets a two-year time limit on most types of personal injury cases, including those based on premises liability theories. This time limit means that if a plaintiff fails to file their case within that period, any claim that is filed after the statue of limitation period has expired will be permanently barred,, even if their case is air-tight.
It is crucial to approach a premises injury attorney soon after an accident to avoid running out of time.
Seek Compensation with an Anchorage Premises Liability Attorney
If you suffered serious injuries while on another person’s property, whether it was private or public property, you have the right to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages. A significant injury can be costly, due to medical expenses and the potential for not having an income. The person who was responsible for maintaining that property should not get off without consequences. If you sustained an injury that is having a major impact on your life, contact an Anchorage premises liability lawyer for assistance. We do not get paid until you succeed in securing compensation from the defendant.