Bothell Personal Injury Lawyer

Many different types of accidents could cause life-changing injuries. The aftermath of an incident could cause you frustration that comes with being unable to do things you used to enjoy as you recover. Your family might be having a hard time adjusting, and you might miss time at work or be unable to resume your former employment.

If your life has been impacted after someone else’s negligence caused you harm, a caring attorney could help you regain your financial footing. A Bothell personal injury lawyer could help you seek compensation from the party who caused your losses.

Types of Accidents that Cause Personal Injuries

If an accident causes only minor injuries, taking the negligent party to court might not be advisable. However, if losses are severe or have a permanent impact on someone, legal action might be the only way to get appropriate compensation. An attorney in Bothell could help someone pursue compensation after a personal injury is caused by:

Most cases like this resolve before the claimant files a lawsuit. A Plaintiff’s legal representative can contact the negligent parties’ insurance company and attempt to negotiate a settlement. The sooner a claimant begins working with a skilled attorney, the sooner they can compile evidence to ensure the responsible party offers an appropriate amount of compensation.

What Kind of Compensation is Available After an Accident?

A claimant must provide evidence of someone else’s negligence to support any claim for losses from which they suffer. There are two forms of compensation that a plaintiff could file for: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

Damages reimburse any expenses related to the injury, such as medical expenses and home renovations to accommodate a wheelchair. If an injury is severe enough that it requires ongoing medical care or limits the claimant’s ability to work, damages also include amounts to cover these losses.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages address subjective costs of being in an accident. Plaintiffs could receive payments to acknowledge their emotional trauma, suffering, altered relationships with loved ones, lost capacity to enjoy life, et cetera. An accomplished attorney could help someone in Bothell compile evidence demonstrating how the aftermath of the accident and injury affects their quality of life.

Liability in Bothell Personal Injury Claims

Accidents are usually the result of someone’s failure to exercise reasonable caution. If someone’s negligence harms another person, the injured party could demand compensation. Proving entitlement to damages requires the injured person to show that someone’s actions contributed to the situation that harmed them. A diligent personal injury attorney in Bothell could collect evidence showing how the accident related to another party’s behavior and use it to establish negligence.

In some instances, an injured person has some responsibility for what happened to them. If that is the case, the law makes the plaintiff accountable for the portion of their damages caused through their own actions. The Revised Code of Washington § 4.22.005 allows claimants to collect the rest of their damages from the other negligent party or parties in their case.

Call a Bothell Personal Injury Attorney Today

In the months after suffering a severe injury or coping with the death of a loved one, it could be difficult to focus on the practicalities of the initiating event. Allow a professional to handle matters like identifying negligent parties and contacting insurance companies for fair compensation.

There is only a limited time to take legal action after an accident, and once that time has passed, you lose the right to file for compensation. Contact a Bothell personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to learn more about your legal options.