In most cases, dog bites and attacks occur because of their owner’s negligent actions. Dog owners must properly leash or fence the dog or warn visitors of the potential dangers their dog presents.
A dog bite is often a traumatic and disruptive event, especially when the bite victim is a child. Young kids sustain the most severe physical injuries and may require years of therapy to overcome the event. A personal injury attorney could handle the legal work while your family focuses on recovery. Schedule to meet an experienced Kent dog bite lawyer if you have questions or need help with a case.
The Most Common Dog Bite Injuries
Because a person will try to fight off the attack, injuries to the hands, arms, legs, and feet are the most common. However, when the attack victim is a child, their faces are incredibly vulnerable to severe injuries because of their height. Other harm a person could sustain include:
- Severe face and eye injuries
- Permanent scarring and disfigurement
- Traumatic amputation
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Crushing and ripping injuries
Dog bites are also dangerous because their saliva carries bacteria that may become infected. If an individual notices the wound begins to look infected, they must seek care from a healthcare professional immediately. A lawyer in Kent could review the dog bite case and answer specific questions about compensation for injuries.
Recoverable Damages After an Animal Attack
A settlement for losses would compensate a plaintiff for their injuries and the future cost of medical care. Recoverable damages include:
- The cost of medical expenses
- Future cost of healthcare
- Loss of pay
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
Losses after an animal attack could be significant depending on the extent of the harm. A plaintiff may require ongoing medical and psychological care and be unable to return to work while recovering from their injuries. A dog bite attorney in Kent could help collect the evidence needed to establish the total damages.
Dog Bites and Strict Liability Rule
Washington state follows a strict liability rule for dog attack damages. Under the Revised Code of Washington ยง 16.08.040, a dog’s owner is liable for losses for any bite or attack that occurs in a public or private place they enter lawfully. A lawyer in Kent could further explain the laws related to dog bite incidents.
A pet owner is financially accountable for the damages whether or not an animal has a history of aggression. There are exceptions where a court may find find that the dog owner is not responsible for the damages, for example:
If an individual trespasses onto a property and the dog bites or attacks them, the dog’s owner would not be financially accountable for the losses. The case will need to establish a dog injured the plaintiff while they were on the property, with consent from the property owner.
Provoking the Dog Before the Incident
A pet owner would also not be liable for the injuries if the plaintiff provoked the dog before the attack. Provoking could include abusing, taunting, torturing, or acting aggressively toward the animal.
Call a Practiced Kent Dog Bite Attorney
If you suffered a dog bite or attack, you have every right to hold the negligent pet owner financially accountable. Compensation would allow you to get the quality of medical care you need to make a full recovery and hold the owner responsible for their carelessness. Reimbursement also lets you take the time you need for rest and recovery. Schedule a consultation with a Kent dog bite lawyer today to begin working on your case.