Texting While Driving Car Accidents in Kent

Distracted driving, such as reading or writing text messages, is a significant cause of concern because of the deadly crashes the action causes nationwide. When negligent motorists ignore the warnings and cause collisions by texting, you have every right to expect them to pay for the consequences of their actions.

A skillful attorney experienced with texting while driving car accidents in Kent could help you navigate the process to recover damages successfully. Call today to discuss your case and schedule a consultation.

Texting Combines the Three Types of Distractions

According to the experts in the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the federal organization, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are three primary driver distractions, and each is hazardous on its own. The three forms of distractions include manual, visual, and cognitive. Texting while operating any vehicle is extremely dangerous because it involves all three. Not only is text messaging behind the wheel dangerous for the driver, but a significant percentage of fatalities involve people outside the vehicle, such as pedestrians and bicycle riders.

Young drivers, such as teenagers and young adults, are the most likely to text and drive. Sadly, the combination of inexperience with texting is deadly. An attorney in Kent knowledgeable about texting while driving car crashes could answer questions about the dangers and regulations during the consultation.

Distracted Driving Laws

Texting while driving a vehicle is hazardous, putting the individual and everyone else driving near them at extreme risk of suffering bodily harm and property damage. The action is as dangerous as drinking and driving. Therefore, states across the country have regulations to prevent anyone from using handheld communication devices while operating motor vehicles.

According to the guidance of the Washington State Department of Licensing, using a handheld device for verbal communication or reading and sending text messages is unlawful in the state of Washington. When police officers witness motorists using a cell phone manually, they will pull them over to issue a citation. The fine for the first offense is $124, and if the driver causes an accident, they face potential criminal charges.

Recoverable Damages

Recoverable damages and the settlement amount can vary significantly for cases, depending on the specific circumstances. However, the court considers factors including the severity of bodily injuries and the defendant’s actions. The award for damages can be substantial for crashes in Kent caused by driver distractions, such as texting. The court may award payment for the following:

  • Current and ongoing medical care and treatment related to the cause of action
  • Surgical procedures, physical therapy, and prescriptions
  • Lost pay, earning potential, and benefits
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and participating in activities the person enjoyed before the accident
  • Emotional trauma and distress
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Pain and suffering

A lawyer could help collect the necessary evidence to establish damages and the appropriate compensation amount.

Call a Seasoned Attorney About Kent Texting While Driving Car Accidents

If a negligent motorist caused a crash while texting behind the wheel, you must hold them legally and financially accountable for their thoughtless actions. While personal injury laws may entitle you to damages, the process and regulations are complex.

A lawyer experienced with texting while driving car accidents in Kent could guide you through the civil court process and fight for your rights inside and outside the courtroom. Call soon to schedule an appointment and start preparing your case right away.